Holiday bookings are open!

Kepplewray - 2024

26/07/2024 to 01/08/2024
(Duration 6 nights)
The Holiday: 
Kepplewray provides the opportunity for fun and adventures in the Lake District. We will be scrambling up ghylls, paddle boarding, climbing mountains, getting to know God, abseiling, kayaking, rock climbing, reading the Bible, playing games, slip sliding, singing, dancing and chilling together. No experience needed. Come along with a willingness to join in, choose the things that you want to try and have some serious Kepplewray fun whilst making some new friends and meeting God along the way!
The Location : 
Kepplewray itself has extensive grounds just outside the picturesque market town of Broughton in Furness. There are huge playing fields, an archery lawn, a climbing tree, abseil ramp, and many more inventive and challenging activities right on site. We are surrounded by fantastic scenery. The nearby Duddon and Eskdale valleys provide perfect spots for rock climbing, ghyll scrambling and bridge jumping. For water-based activities we have private access to nearby Coniston Water, where we go canoeing, paddle-boarding, kayaking, raft-building, and lay on all sorts of fun activities including trips to Peel island. On our “walk day”, there is something to suit everybody - whether you’d prefer to take it easy, exploring woods or hidden caves, or take up the challenge of conquering one of England's highest mountains. Whatever you choose, the memories will stay with you for ever!
The Activities and The Programme: 
At Kepplewray members can choose from an amazing range of activities amidst a daily routine of morning and evening worship, Bible reading, discussion, and prayer. Between a smattering of team games and whole Venture mayhem, members can choose whether to go paddle boarding, kayaking, canoeing, mountain biking, rock climbing, abseiling, ghyll scrambling, bridge jumping or walking amidst the spectacular scenery of the Lake District. Against this backdrop, our morning and evening meetings are a highlight with music, drama and teaching from the Bible to challenge and inspire. There is always time for chilling and chatting with friends and the Kepplewray family continue to encourage one another in our Christian walk throughout the year.
The Team: 
Marian, Daphne and Richard are all “old hands” as overall leaders! Together we will be coordinating an enthusiastic team of creative and energetic volunteers, many of whom have been coming to Kepplewray for years and some of whom will be new “Keppleleaders”. Experienced teachers and youth workers join with students and young professionals from many different backgrounds (as well as the odd vicar!), to put together a fun-filled and action-packed program from morning to night. Qualified Kepplewray Instructors work alongside us, supervising all outdoor activities to ensure that we stay safe on our adventures.

To discuss anything specific to this holiday such as the spiritual or practical details, please contact the leaders or the Ventures and Falcons office.

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LA20 6HE


Marian Browne (07977 543229)

Daphne Libby (07944 651230)

Richard Hughes (07885 219520)

Contact details:

Daphne Libby, 14 East Block, Shaddon Mill, Shaddongate, Carlisle, CA2 5WD (07944 651230)
